Winter 1968 - Trevor Steele

Mark Bryant, a young tutor in German, goes to Germany to experience the language outside academic circles. He almost unwillingly finds himself in a job looking after released prisoners of foreign descent who were all victims of Nazi cruelty during the war. The men are also damaged mentally, and some can be dangerous, as Mark will experience.

It is 1968, and tumultuous changes are taking place in Germany. Mark’s own conservative views are shaken up, and he also falls in love with a radical student.

Trevor Steele is an Australian author who was born in 1940. He was a teacher and travelled a lot. Many of his books are influenced by his travels but he has written some typically Australian books too, about the persecution of Aborigines in Tasmania and the successful resistance (for some years) of European invasion of Aboriginal land in the Kimberleys, for example.

His novels are largely historical and cover a wide range of subjects. He is now retired but still very active in the teaching of Esperanto and writing in both Esperanto and English.